Riddle: Four friends-Chloe, Evelyn, Francesca, and Grace-went out for lunch. Someone asked them about their ages, and this is what they said: "Evelyn is three times older than Francesca. But three years ago, Francesca was a year younger than Chloe is now. And Grace is two times older than Francesca,". Can you rank the girls in order of their ages?
Answer: From oldest to youngest, the order is as follows: Evelyn, Grace, Francesca, and Chloe. Evelyn is three times older than Francesca, and Grace is two times older than Francesca. Evelyn is older than Grace because multiplying a number by three will result in a greater number than multiplying the number by two. Both of them are older than Francesca, but if it was three years ago that Francesca was a year younger than Chloe is now, then Francesca is two years older than Chloe. Therefore, Evelyn is the oldest, followed by Grace, then Francesca, and then Chloe.
Rank Them By Age Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Emma was arrested for robbing a bank. The police wanted to arrest Emma's boyfriend as well because he was supposedly an accomplice. The officers found four men-Kevin, Miles, Paul, and Stanley-and interrogated them. One of them is the boyfriend who is lying. Another person was Emma's brother, who did not assist with the robbery but was also lying because he wanted to help. And the other two boys were innocent and telling the truth. Each person says the following: Kevin: Stanley is her boyfriend. Miles: Paul is lying. Paul: Kevin is lying. Stanley: Miles is not her brother. Who is Emma's brother, and who is her boyfriend?
Answer: Kevin is Emma's brother, and Miles is her boyfriend. If Kevin is telling the truth, then Stanley is lying because the boyfriend lies. This means Miles is also lying because according to these conditions, Miles IS the brother who is lying. But then, Paul is telling the truth. It contradicts that Kevin is telling the truth because both of them cannot be truthful at the same time. So, Kevin is lying, Paul is telling the truth, and Miles is lying. By default, Stanley is the other man telling the truth. The two liars are Kevin and Miles; they are Emma's boyfriend and brother. Since Stanley said that Miles is NOT her brother, and that statement is true, it means Kevin is her brother, and Miles is her boyfriend.
The Brother and the Boyfriend Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Mr. Martinez is a philosophy teacher at a prestigious university. One day, he places a pencil onto his desk and gives his students an assignment: to write a short essay on the following topic- why the pencil does not exist. The student with the most convincing argument would get an A, while everyone else would get a D. An hour later, all of the students handed in their papers; most of them filled up the front and back of their papers, but one boy wrote just two words and he got the A. What words did he write?
Answer: The boy wrote, "What pencil?".
This Pencil Doesn't Exist Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Cooper wakes up in a room and sees three piles of shattered glass; each pile contains a few shards of glass with letters on them. His task is to rearrange the piles of glass into words and find out which word doesn't belong. Can you unscramble these words and help Cooper out? CBNAO | PCEUCKA | VLEO
Answer: The three words are BACON, CUPCAKE, and LOVE. This riddle is open to many interpretations, so there are multiple answers. For example, BACON doesn't end with an E (unlike CUPCAKE and LOVE). However, CUPCAKE has three vowels (while BACON and LOVE have two each). On the other hand, LOVE is an emotion (while BACON and CUPCAKE are foods). No matter which word you pick, there is at least one reason for it being correct.
Cooper's Words Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are two species of citizens on a foreign planet: Hamburgs and Helphands. There are 10,000 Hamburgs, and Helphands make up 50% of the population. How many Helphands are on the foreign planet?
Answer: There are 10,000 Helphands on the foreign planet. If there are only two species of citizens on the planet, and Helphands make up 50% of the population, then Hamburgs must make up the other 50% of the population, with 10,000 of them. If there are 10,000 Hamburgs, then there are also 10,000 Helphands.
Two Species on a Foreign Planet Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Five friends-Albert, Brenda, Carl, Diana, and Eric–raced around a track. Albert finished before Brenda but after Carl. And Diana finished before Eric but after Brenda. In what order did each friend finish?
Answer: From first to last, the order in which the friends finished is: Carl, Albert, Brenda, Diana, and Eric.
You're in the Race Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are two rooms in front of you. On the door to each room, there is a sign; only one of the signs tells the truth. The sign on the door to the first room says, "There is treasure here. A monster lurks in the other room,". And the sign on the door to the second room says, "The treasure and the monster are in different rooms,". Where is the treasure?
Answer: The treasure is in the second room. If the first sign is true, then the second sign is true, too. This contradicts the terms of the game. Therefore, the first sign is false, and the second sign is truthful.
Two Rooms, Some Treasure, and a Monster Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Angela had a disease that required her to take pills. One day, her doctor prescribed her three pills that would help to cure her of her disease. She needed to take one pill every 30 minutes. How much time will pass before Angela takes all of the pills?
Answer: One hour will pass. Once Angela takes the first pill, she'll wait 30 minutes. After that, she will take the second pill and wait another 30 minutes. And then she will take the last pill after that. After all, the first pill doesn't take 30 minutes to take.
Every 30 Minutes Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I have a certain number of candies, X. If I divide them into groups of three, then two candies will be left. If I divide them into groups of five, then three candies will be left. And if I divide them into groups of seven, then two candies will be left. How many candies do I have?
Answer: I have 23 candies.
Uneven Division of Candies Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Lisa and Lola are operating two different vehicles, but both of them fell asleep. Lisa is driving her car to work, while Lola is flying in an airplane. Whose decision is less wise?
Answer: Lisa's decision is less wise. Lola most likely has a copilot flying with her, but there's no such thing as a co-driver, so Lisa will most likely get into a car accident.
Sleepy Drivers Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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