Riddle: Joel had 999,999,999,999,999,999 US dollars. One day, he left to buy toys for his sons. He had Ultra Protection it took him 2 minutes because it was near his house. but when he came back home, all his money was gone so he called a detective and said, "Can you find who stole my money?" The detective replied, "Yes!" There were three suspects the cook, the cleaner, and the artist. the cook said I was cooking, the cleaner said that he was cleaning, and the artist said that he was looking all around to look what he could paint but before he started painting Joel came back who stole 999,999,999,999,999,999 US dollars. Who stole the money?
Answer: no one. Who could steal 999,999,999,999,999,999 US dollars in 2 minutes! He could have left it at the shop.
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