Riddle: A famous magician and his daughter were seated inside a well-known establishment, along with a group of five other customers who were all waiting for service. The magician suddenly turned to his daughter, and told her to look through the window to her right where a bright blue car was parked. In majestic fashion, the magician then swept his arm toward the car and said, "Behold! I command you to rise!", and the car slowly began to rise to a height of one...two...three..., and finally stopped, suspended in mid-air, at a height of four feet! However, no one in the room appeared to be surprised or amazed by the magician's actions, and the magician's daughter was heard to say, "Daddy, you're a big ham." Why was no one in awe of the magician's abilities?
Answer: The magician and his daughter were waiting in a local Firestone vehicle repair shop to have their car repaired. The magician noticed that a technician was about to raise a blue car on a hydronic lift to repair it, so he tried to take credit for the levitation. Needless to say, neither the other customers or his daughter were impressed.
The Magician Returns Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A masked man is being hunted by the authorities for his vigilante activities, in which he helps and protects innocent people. His modus operandi is to seek out injustices caused by corrupt and evil people, stop these people from completing their wicked plans, and to deliver his own personal letter to these villains --- something to remind them of his visit. Who is this masked man, and what is the personal letter he delivers?
Answer: The masked man is Zorro, and the personal letter he delivers to the villains he thwarts ----- is the letter "Z".
The Man in the Mask Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Hidden in the poem below, a female's name you'll seek; just read and listen to the rhyme, but please, don't take a week! MYSTERY POEM: A camel is accustomed to dry and arid places; but since it has no social skills, it spits in people's faces! What is the female name you hear?
Answer: MELISSA.
Hidden Female Mystery Rhyme IV Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You are all trapped in a place called Marge's Madhouse, and she(Marge) runs the place using only one law. Figure out her law by using the clues listed below, and you will force her to release you from her domain of doom. To do this successfully, you must suggest one thing to Marge she would love to have. If Marge truly loves your suggestion, she will then ------ and only then ------ allow you to leave her house of insanity. Here are the clues: Marge loves warts; but she hates blemishes. Marge loves pins; but she hates needles. Marge loves spam; but she hates meat. Marge loves sleep; but she hates sleeping. Marge loves rats; but she hates rodents. Marge loves desserts; but she hates pastries. Marge loves war; but she hates conflicts. Marge loves pets, but she hates animals. Marge loves evil; but she hates Satan. Marge loves pool; but she hates billiards. ***** Since Marge does not allow sleeping or meat in her madhouse, you have only a few days to survive her domain of doom before you become insane. What do you think Marge would love to have?
Answer: All the things Marge loves are of the same pattern. Each item she loves can be spelled backwards to form another word. This cannot be done with the things Marge hates. To successfully escape Marge's Madhouse, you must suggest a word to Marge which, when spelled backwards, will spell another word.
Marge's Madhouse Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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