Riddle: A young woman owns two horses, a plane, a gun, a tape with many markings, and a machine with sharp teeth which she uses almost every day. She does not use any of these for transportation or for self-defense (although the gun is loaded), but she does rely on all of these items to meet her financial needs. What does this young woman do for a living, and why does she need this strange assortment of objects?
Answer: The young woman is a carpenter. She uses her two sawhorses, her carpenter’s plane, her nail gun, her tape measure, and her circular saw almost every day as she works to earn a living.
Mystery Occupation Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A tall, burly, unarmed man and a short, slim, unarmed man, both dressed in sheer nylon stockings, women's clothing, and blond wigs, enter a bar in New York City. The tall, burly man approaches the bartender and asks him for something. Immediately, the bartender reaches below the counter, pulls out a gun, and shoots the man. The short, slim man responds by quickly bolting from the bar. New Yorkers have a reputation for being testy and unfriendly, but wasn't this a bit extreme? In fact, when the police arrived on the scene, they backed the bartender and did not charge him with any crime. What do you suppose the tall, burly man had requested from the bartender which led to his being shot, and why did the police support the bartender’s extreme reaction?
Answer: The man asked the bartender to give him all the bar’s money. The bartender’s extreme reaction was due to the fact that both the tall and short man were wearing their sheer nylon stockings over their heads when the request was made.
New York City Hospitality? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Once every year a farmer walks about on his farm property, picks out his favorite tree, and chops it down with an axe. He then drags the tree home and puts it in a metal bowl. The farmer then spends time lovingly caring for the tree by watering it every day and providing it with the best plant food money can buy to keep it as healthy as possible. Two weeks later he throws the tree outside, sets it on fire, and burns it to a crisp. How can you explain this apparent drastic change in the farmer's mood toward this tree?
Answer: The man owns a Christmas tree farm where he grows thousands of Christmas trees for sale to the public. He is simply performing his annual Christmas ritual of selecting a tree, placing it in a tree stand, keeping it healthy for two weeks, and then disposing of it.
Split Personality? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A famous magician and his assistant are standing in the middle of a large, empty field. There are no trees or buildings to be seen, and there are no ropes or hidden wires attached to the two performer's bodies. A large group of curious onlookers and their families are present to see the magician's farewell performance, as advertised in the local newspapers. The magician suddenly raises both hands and dramatically shouts to the audience, "My assistant and I will now rise from this very ground and disappear from your sight, but in three hours we will reappear in a town ten miles from here!" And with those final words, the magician and his assistant slowly lifted from the ground, continuing to rise majestically, until they were out of sight! True to his word, he and his assistant did reappear in another town ten miles from the place where they had first disappeared --- in the predicted three hours' time! What a fantastic trick!! How do you think they accomplished such an amazing feat?
Answer: The magician and his assistant used a hot-air balloon to rise up and disappear from the field. They were able to navigate and land it in a similar field in a town ten miles away.
The Magician Returns (Once Again) Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Ten men, five women, and 15 three-year-olds are being watched by thousands of cheering people. The men and the women and the three-year-olds are observed slowly entering 15 box-like structures, each having iron bars in the front. The men and women are not related to the three-year-olds, but at times witnesses have reported seeing these adults whip these three-year-olds to force them to obey their commands. Fortunately, the barred doors suddenly spring open and the men, women, and three-year-olds make their escape; however, they are easily tracked, as they always feel compelled to travel to the left, and never to the right. The thousands of people watching these proceedings are all waiting to see who will be the first to meet their end. These circumstances are inexcusable in a civilized society! How can thousands of people just idly sit by and cheer while a group of men and women whip a bunch of three-year-olds before their very eyes? What is wrong with society? Or, is there a simple explanation for these bizarre-sounding events? Just what exactly is going on here?
Answer: With a maximum of 20 entrants in each race, the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes feature only three-year-old thoroughbreds racing from their starting gates to their end at the finish line. Not all of the jockeys use whips on their horses, but many still do. By the way, to answer the title question: at the start of every race, they are not on —— They’re off!!!
Are They On; or Are They Off? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: If someone were to write a biography about us, the following could be reported: #1 - We are always present in multiple-choice exams. #2 - Sherlock Homes kept a close eye on us after he retired. #3 - Honor students are not very fond of us. #4 - One of us was a famous aunt on T.V. #5 - The person who played the owner of the Shady Rest Hotel was, in reality, one of us. Based on the biographical information above --- Who/what are we?
Answer: We are Bs, Bees, or Beas (as in Aunt Bea and actress Bea Benaderet.)
#2 - The Biography of ??? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A retired zookeeper owned a huge house with a very large and beautifully landscaped yard. The neighbors of the man drove past his home daily, and admired his arrangement of all the large trees and numerous healthy bushes which adorned the front yard. One day, a neighbor drove by the former zookeeper's house, and was astonished to see a living, fully-grown ostrich standing in the yard. A week later, neighbors reported seeing a live, fully-grown bear standing near the ostrich. As the next few weeks passed, the neighbors saw a tiger, a lion, a hippopotamus, and finally an elephant appear in the yard of the retired zookeeper --- all fully- grown and alive, but without any cages or bars to protect the neighborhood from them. Amazingly, not one person who lived in that area ever expressed any fear of the uncaged animals, and no one ever called the police for protection. Were these people living in the Twilight Zone? What exactly was going on here, and why weren't any of these people afraid for their lives?
Answer: The retired zookeeper was also a professional topiary expert. Mixing together the best of his two worlds, he sculpted zoo animals from his fully-grown, healthy, living bushes in his front yard, much to the delight of his neighbors.
Animal House Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: In her work each day, a courageous young woman often encounters cobras, vipers, stingrays, barracudas, eagles, cougars, impalas, rams, spiders, beetles, and on rare occasions, a panther. This woman has no fear of any of these as she walks around in the midst of them, never carrying a gun or a whip, and without being protected from them by iron bars or safety barriers of any kind. What is the occupation of this brave, young woman, and why does she have no fear when performing her job?
Answer: The young woman is a used-car saleswoman who encounters a wide variety of high and low end trade-ins at the dealership where she works. Incidentally, all of the models of the used cars listed in this puzzle are named after animals. The last one mentioned, the Watercar panther, is an amphibious automobile which started to be produced in 2013.
#2 - Mystery Occupation Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A young man named Orion is carrying a large, double-edged axe. He is stalking his prey, possessed by one single thought -- to kill! His hands are calloused, but his soul is not, as he always strives to be kind to others, despite his strong desire to kill. He has killed 11 times already today, but he feels compelled to kill at least two more times because that very morning Orion believes he heard a voice instructing him to kill no fewer than 13 today. Orion plans to use his axe to kill only those older than 50 years of age. Many other people have witnessed his multiple axe killings, but no one has ever tried to intervene or report his actions to the police. What is wrong with these people? It appears obvious that Orion is seriously mentally ill and suffers from auditory hallucinations with delusional thinking. How can his killing spree possibly be ignored? Or, is there some reasonable explanation for these events? Just what in the world is happening here?
Answer: Orion works as a lumberjack. At the start of his work, Orion’s boss instructed him to meet his quota for the day by using his axe to chop down at least 13 mature trees.
Killer at Large? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Terry was having a bad day, after having a bad week and a bad month. His long-time bridge partner had just moved away, and the stock he held in the Red Roof Inn Company had just taken a nose-dive. He felt he was ready to snap, as he climbed into his car and began to drive. Suddenly, Terry felt something snap but realized it was only a pencil he had in his pocket, but this mild irritation only fueled his pent-up anger. Terry stepped on the accelerator and headed straight for a green sedan, smashing into it and causing its trunk to fly open. He then put his car into reverse, and backed into a red mini-van, causing its hood to pop up and its radiator to burst, sending a shower of radiator fluid shooting high into the air. After continuing to smash into at least a dozen other vehicles, Terry's car finally stopped, and somehow, he miraculously stepped out of his car uninjured. Just a few moments later, two police officers, who had witnessed the entire event without intervening, approached Terry and gave him something that made him -- smile. Why hadn’t the police called for backup and intervened earlier to prevent additional damage from being done, and what was it they gave Terry which made him smile?
Answer: The two police officers had given Terry a First Place Trophy for his having just won a Demolition Derby they had all just witnessed.
Anger is Danger (Without the D) Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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