Riddle: Hidden in the poem below, a manly name you'll seek; just read and listen to the rhyme, but please, don't take a week! MYSTERY POEM: I do not mind addition; I'll tolerate subtraction; but try not to increase my stress, by tossing in those fractions. I'll multiply and then divide, and figure out those sums; but modern math --- the math you use, just makes me want some Tums. What is the man's name you hear in the rhyme?
Answer: The name you'll hear is MATTHEW.
Hidden Male Mystery Rhyme Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One day, a famous king and a famous queen each moved to the same small, rural town, and each built their own house there. The king and the queen were not married, but they were related. The report was they were not very fond of one another, despite being related, and in fact, were both well-known for having highly competitive natures. Both the king and the queen sent out invitations to the townspeople to visit their new houses, each secretly hoping the people would come only to see them, and not the other. On the given day, residents of the town lined up outside both the king's and the queen's new houses; but the people showed no outward signs of respect by bowing or curtsying to either of them. In return, the king presented a stone-faced appearance to his visitors, while the queen offered a cold and frosty reception to everyone who entered her place. To top things off, both the king and the queen both provided food and drink to all the people who came to visit them, but the townspeople were all made to pay for everything they ate and drank that day. However, the people all left both houses that day --- satisfied and happy!!! Why did the people show no outward signs of respect to the famous king and queen, and why weren't the townspeople upset and angry about being invited, and then having to pay for their meals?
Answer: The famous king and the famous queen were: The Burger King and The Dairy Queen. Both had just built new franchises in the small town, and each was hoping to gather the most new customers from the townspeople who lived there. Neither franchise was about to give free food away to everyone, so all the people bought their burgers, fries, and ice cream treats at one or the other, and all were happy to have both of these fast-food options available to them in their community.
A Royal Snub, or Commoner Disrespect? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Three American military veterans: Ron(Army), Terry(Army), and Ron(Marines) retired from their military careers and decided to go into business together. Using all of their engineering knowledge and expertise, the three veterans have revamped an idea for an old device, made many improvements to it, and are now trying to patent it under the name: The Ron - Terry - Ron device, or (R.T.R). They advertise it by saying, "The R.T.R is designed only for those who want to move forward in life, but never backward. It is guaranteed to get your heart pumping, your blood pressure rising, and your armpits sweating"(classy advertising by these veterans). The advertising continues: "The R.T.R. is for the person who tries to move ahead, but always ends up exactly where they started." The only problem with the R.T.R device is, to use one, you will have to ignore the Gadsden flag(i.e., the one with the coiled rattlesnake pictured on it) and its famous motto. Forrest Gump would be very proud of these veterans. Just exactly what is the Ron - Terry - Ron (R.T.R.) device, and why must the Gadsden flag motto be ignored by its users?
Answer: The three veterans have made some innovative improvements to a basic Treadmill design, and are trying to patent these improvements in the hope of selling their newly created device. Of course, these veterans realize that anyone who uses their new product will be violating the early Continental Marine message and motto of the famous Gadsden flag which states, "Don't Tread on Me". Just as Forrest Gump was encouraged to "Run - Forrest - Run", we wish success to these three veterans with the words, "Ron - Terry - Ron".
The Ron - Terry - Ron (R.T.R.) Device Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: If someone were to write a biography about us, the following could be reported: #1 - Every basketball player needs a good one. #2 - we can be seen on most Christmas trees. #3 - One of us is a famous Captain. #4 - We are often delivered in square rings. #5 - We often accompany a line and a sinker. Based on the biographical information above --- Who/what are we?
Answer: We are Hooks/hook.
#3 - The Biography of ??? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Four middle-aged people were reminiscing about their individual journeys through life. Two of them were college grads, and the other two were business people. The first was heard to say, "When I happened upon that uranium deposit, that's what started me off to a wealthy future." The second replied, "No such luck for me. I never recovered financially from that skunk-farm fiasco I inherited from my relative." The third person said, "If I hadn't taken revenge on my opponent and got all that money from him, I would probably have ended up in the poorhouse." Lastly, the fourth person responded, "Well, you two tycoons can celebrate your riches obtained in life, but that shrunken head collection I invested my money in, as well as my wasting my money on $5,000 toupees, raccoon coats, and buying a Rolls Royce which I couldn't afford, just about left me penniless." Surprisingly, these four people have one main thing in common. Can you identify what that one thing is, and can you explain how they became entangled in such bizarre events in life?
Answer: The four people had just finished playing the board game, LIFE, and were discussing some of the good and bad things they had encountered while playing.
Life Has Its Ups and Downs Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: We first appeared outside in the early 1940s during World War II. Our construction was a simple mixture of glass and aluminum, with a flexible entrance that kept out unwanted intrusions. We were not migratory and never slept -- even at nighttime. The famous movie director, Alfred Hitchcock, once used one of us in his movie "The Birds" back in 1963, which resulted in some shattered glass. A famous "lady" once described us as being, "like a lighthouse on the highway", as we were easily seen at nighttime. In the year 2000, there were more than two million of us in existence, but as of 2020, our numbers have quickly declined, and there are now fewer than 100,000 of us remaining in the United States. We were greatly honored in 2015 when someone nominated us for inclusion into the National Register of Historic Places in the state of Arkansas. Who/what are we?
Answer: We are telephone booths.
Outside the Box Thinking Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A young, aspiring musician who lived on a farm, had been given the task of monitoring the family’s livestock. The young lad was supposed to see to it that the cows and sheep stayed together as they had been trained to do, but unfortunately, as youngsters often do, he allowed himself to drift off and fall asleep beneath a pile of animal fodder, and as a result, the cows wandered into a field of corn, while the sheep made their way into a grassy meadow. Can you identify this irresponsible youth?
Answer: Little Boy Blue.
We All Make Mistakes Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A rookie, professional football player who had just joined his new team from the college ranks, came off the practice field and told his coach in a shaky, fear-filled voice that he repeatedly heard a man's voice inside his head speaking out commands for him to follow. The player then asked the coach, "Do you think I am a schizophrenic?" "No," replied the coach. "I think you are an idiot." Why was the coach so rude and unsympathetic when responding to the mental health concerns of the young player; and what position had he been recruited to fill on the team?
Answer: The young player was a rookie quarterback drafted by this pro team. In professional football, quarterbacks wear helmets with speakers built into them, so the coach can tell them what plays to run. In college football, where this young player had played quarterback, helmets are not allowed to contain speakers; but this rookie was not aware of this, so he freaked out when he heard his coach’s voice inside his helmet, giving him instructions.
Auditory Hallucinations? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You were once a judge in a chocolate eclair-making contest, and you awarded the blue ribbon for first place to an outstanding chef by the name of Vera Good. However, another disgruntled chef who lost the competition, whose name was Notu Swell, experienced a mental meltdown and a subsequent nervous breakdown over the loss. He vowed to seek revenge against you, blaming you entirely for his not winning. With the cunning of a serial killer, he was able to entrap you and imprison you in the basement of his house. Once he had you in his clutches, he approached you and revealed his evil plan: "You see before you, five chocolate eclairs which I just finished baking. I have piped a deadly poison into four of these, but the fifth one is poison-free. You must choose one of the five eclairs, based on the matching recipes I have handed you, and eat the eclair which you believe not to be the poisoned one. If you can identify The Only Chocolate Eclair Recipe Which Has No False Ingredient In It, then you may eat it safely, and I will then release you. However, I doubt you have the knowledge to properly judge which eclair recipe is the true one. At any rate, you must eat one of my pastries, if you ever again wish to see the light of day." These are the five recipes from which you must choose. Your very life depends on it: RECIPE #1: 2 tbsp unsalted butter; 1/2 tsp salt; chocolate pastry cream; 1/2 cup whipping cream; 4 large eggs; 8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate; 1 oz. freshly ground paprika; 1 tbsp white sugar; 1 cup flour; 1 cup water. RECIPE #2: 2 tbsp unsalted butter; 1/2 tsp kosher salt; 2 oz. distilled white vinegar; vanilla pastry cream; 2 cups whole milk; 4 eggs; 1/2 cup confectioner's sugar; 1 cup flour; 1 tsp vanilla extract. RECIPE #3: 2 tbsp unsalted butter; 1/2 tsp salt; chocolate pastry cream; 1/2 cup whipping cream; 4 large eggs; 1/4 cup chopped oregano; 8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate; 2 tbsp corn syrup; 1 cup flour; 1 cup water. RECIPE #4: 2 tbsp unsalted butter; 1/2 tsp salt; vanilla pastry cream; 1 cup whipping cream; 4 large eggs; 8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate; 1 tbsp white sugar; 1 cup flour; 2 tbsp corn syrup; 1 cup water. RECIPE #5: 2 tbsp unsalted butter; 1/2 tsp kosher salt; vanilla pastry cream; 2 cups of whole or 2% milk; 1/2 cup whipping cream; 2 cups finely chopped onion; 1/2 cup confectioner's sugar; 4 large eggs; 8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate; 1 tsp vanilla extract; 1 tbsp white sugar; 1 cup flour. "Now, which of the five recipes is the ONLY one which contains no poison --- THE ONLY ONE HAVING NO FALSE ECLAIR INGREDIENT?" Which one will you choose?
Answer: Only RECIPE #4 has no false ingredient. The FALSE ingredients in the recipes are as follows: RECIPE #1 is Paprika. RECIPE #2 is Vinegar. RECIPE #3 is Oregano. RECIPE #5 is Chopped Onion. Did you survive?
Crazed Culinarian Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Two men and two women, all carrying loaded shotguns, drove to a field where they planned to shoot as many birds as possible. The four had absolutely no desire to eat any of the birds they were planning to shoot, and they brought no dogs to retrieve any they happened to hit. Each of the four people in turn would loudly shout a one-word command, and when a bird would fly out in front of them, they would shoot to destroy it. When they were finished, the bodies of 99 birds lay mutilated in the field, as only one bird had escaped their deadly shooting skills. The two men and two women cheerfully exchanged high-fives, and congratulated each other on their excellent hour of destruction. Several onlookers, who happened to witness the onslaught, gave the four a loud round of applause for the entertainment. Why did no one report this incident to the authorities, and why was there such a calloused attitude toward the shooting of these defenseless birds?
Answer: The birds the four were shooting at were pigeons ——— clay pigeons. The four were at a public shooting range, and when each of them yelled “pull”, a clay pigeon was catapulted into the air for their target practice.
Senseless Destruction Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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