Riddle: It's a non-lucky day, you find yourself in a skyscraper. And it's bad enough an aeroplane is about to hit you in about 3 minutes, to bad you are at the top of the skyscraper. But you see three elevators, but the first one has lava everywhere, the second one has instant killing gas. Well, that sounds bad enough, then the last one with poisonous spikes everywhere. What do you choose?
Answer: The first one is the correct answer. The lava would likely already turn into stone, by the time.
A hard choice Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A boy that was 5 put a knife into a tree trunk to show how tall he was. One day his parent took him on a trip to a nearby town. When he came back to his tree he was an age up. So, how tall would the knife be?
Answer: The knife was at the same place because trees grow on the top, not the bottom.
Riddle: An employee of a store went up to his manager and said, "can I go to Paris for a week"? "Yes," said the manager "but remember to show me a picture of you at Paris" "yes sir," said the employee. The next day the employee showed him a picture of him in Paris, he saw a clock a big tv and him on the couch. Right away he knew that he had lied. How did he know?
Answer: The clock was showing the same time as the clock that was sitting on the manager's wall.
How did he know the lie Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.