Riddle: You are a bus driver, healthy, never did one crime of any sort. The bus goes into a problem one day. Somebody just stole all his money he has earned. The thief wrote a note, which says, TELL ME YOUR EYE COLOR, TODAY MIDNIGHT, IF YOU WANT YOUR MONEY BACK!! What is the bus drivers eye color?
Answer: I don't know. I said YOU are a bus driver. What's your eye color?
What eye color? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Nick and John are friends. Every morning, they go to the cafe to drink lemonade. Nick drinks fast and John drinks slowly. But Bob, a cook in the cafe, did not like them. So one day, he decided to poison them. He puts the same amount of ice, lemonade, and poison. But only John dies. What is going on and how did this happen?
Answer: It was because Bob put the poison on the ice. Since Nick drinks fast, the ice never melted in to Nick's lemonade. But John drinks slowly so the ice melted in his lemonade. So since the ice had poison on it and it melted in John's lemonade, John died.
What is going on? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.