Riddle: In a house, there lives a family of 4. There is a father, a mother, an older sister, and a younger sister. One day, the father catches a disease. A week later, Death comes to take the father's soul. The mother begs for 5 more years with her husband, and Death agrees. 5 years later, Death comes back. The older sister begs for 3 more years with her father, and Death agrees. 3 years later, Death comes back. The father, mother, and older sister turn to the younger sister for help, and she is holding a candle with a flame on the end of the wick. The younger sister says, "I have a deal to make, Death. My father will live until this candle burns out." And Death agrees. However, Death never returns. Why not?
Answer: The younger sister blew out the candle, so it didn't technically burn out. Then she threw away the candle so the family wouldn't mistakenly light it.
Riddle: You're a bus driver. 1 panther, 2 leopards, 3 flamingos, 4 parrots, and 5 pandas get on. 3 pandas and 2 flamingos get off at the next stop. After 2 stops everyone is off except for 6 cops, 7 artists, 8 chefs, 9 elephants, and 10 zookeepers. The zookeepers all say at once, "Where are the flamingos?" However, they are not answered. What color are the bus driver's eyes?
Answer: Your eye color. You are the bus driver, but everything else I said is irrelevant to the question.