Riddle: There is a clothing store in Bartlesville. The owner has devised his own method of pricing items. A vest costs $20, socks cost $25, a tie costs $15 and a blouse costs $30. Using the method, how much would a pair of underwear cost?
Answer: $45. The pricing method consists of charging $5 for each letter required to spell the item.
Riddle: A magician was boasting one day about how long he could hold his breath underwater. His record was 6 minutes. A kid that was listening said, "That's nothing, I can stay underwater for 10 minutes using no type of equipment or air pockets!" The magician told the kid if he could do that, he'd give him $10,000. The kid did it and won the money. Can you figure out how?
Answer: The kid filled a glass of water and held it over his head for 10 minutes.
Riddle: I never was, am always to be, No one ever saw me, nor ever will, And yet I am the confidence of all to live and breathe on this terrestrial ball. What am I?
Riddle: The rungs of a 10-foot ladder attached to a ship are 1 foot apart. If the water is rising at the rate of one foot an hour, how long will it take until the water covers the ladder?
Answer: It will never cover the ladder because as the water rises, so will the floating ship.