Riddle: I make what science believes to be fantasy become reality in the blink of an eye. Doctors consider me a cause of insanity if to much of me in your life is applied. When most age I began to disappear for as most age they apply more logic and reason to their thoughts. My biggest fear is to not get used and to be forgot. What am I?
Answer: Your Imagination.
Valued by youth but with age i'm forgotten. Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There is a fox and a Duck. A natural predator the fox may be and natural prey the duck is to he. But in the forest where to each other they are opposed they are united when one comes to end these two foes.
Answer: Those who seek the answer, in the title you shall find the solution to the conflict that this riddle has placed in your mind.
20-8-5 8-21-14-20-5-18 Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.