Riddle: One night, Johnny bought an expensive Refrigerator. When he got home, he plugged in the refrigerator. He put hot drinks in the fridge and bucket of ice cream in the freezer. After 3 hours, he went back to take out a drink but it didn't get cold nor the ice cream. He left it until the next morning but when he recheck, the drinks and the ice cream was still not frozen! The refrigerator wasn't damaged and the cord wasn't broken. So what did Johnny realize?
Answer: He realized that when he plugged in the refrigerator, the cord wasn't plugged to any socket so it wasn't running this whole time.
Riddle: Andy, his wife Emily, and their two children were invited to the dinner party. They traveled at their friends' house in a car. Andy ringed the doorbell and his friend let them in. Then his friend led them in the dining room where all the other friends are. Suddenly Andy forgot three things in the car: his wallet, his phone, and his car-key. Emily forgot her lipstick and her children forgot some plastic utensils. What is the first thing they all forgot?
Answer: Their manners. When Andy's friend let them inside, they didn't say anything to his friend.