
Riddle Count: 7
Riddle: You are outside and you look around and you see 5 adults calming down a child. You see 2 girls having popsicles. How many people are there with you?
Answer: Only you, the other people are hanging out with somebody else, you are forever alone.
5, 2, 1, Self Riddle Meme.
5, 2, 1, Self Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.


Author: Yolo
Riddle: I stay in a corner, but can travel the world without leaving my corner, what am I?
Answer: Stamp.
Corner Riddle Meme.
Corner Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.

T, T, T

Author: Yolo
Riddle: I start with t, and with t, and hold t, What am I?
Answer: Teapot.
T, t, t Riddle Meme.
T, t, t Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You got hit in the head with a ball. You pass out on the ground and you wake up in the hospital. There is a doctor, the kid who hit you, and your mom, who called the ambulance? Note, you are in kindergarten.
Answer: The school. The kid did not have a cell phone as he was in kindergarten, your mom was not there and you needed to be rushed as you passed out, the doctor was at the hospital so she didn't know, there for the school you were in did.
Passed out Riddle Meme.
Passed out Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Sitting in an empty room you have no way of escaping. What is your fate?
Answer: You died from lack of oxygen since the room was empty.
Empty Room Riddle Meme.
Empty Room Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You leave a house, how do you get back to your house?
Answer: You drive since it said A house, not your house, ther for your house is somewhere else.
How to get back Riddle Meme.
How to get back Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You sit at a chair when you hear gunshots. You look outside and hear a scream. No windows are open, no doors or open, and there are no people outside. The doors are locked and when you look inside a house you see blood, a dead man and a gun. How did the murderer escape and how did he get in?
Answer: It said the Windows and doors are locked. The riddle did not say anything about a broken window. You looked inside, but now did you know it was that house, because it had a broken window.
How did he get in Riddle Meme.
How did he get in Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.