Riddle: One day, a teacher asked her students to form a new sentence from: "This is a canine", without adding or removing a word or letter from it. All the students got it wrong except one of them who got it right. What sentence did he form?
Answer: The Sentence he formed is, "This is a can in e".
Riddle: A word of nine letters long. It begins with B and ends with E. Its first three letters refers to women's underwear; two letters after its first three letters is in, its last four letters refer to a particular situation, usually a difficult one. Four letters after its first letter refers to water coming down from the sky. Its first five letters is in your head; its whole protects its first five letters. What is it?
Riddle: I am a board; I am usually black, sometimes other colours. On me you can find many different things; I allows you to touch any of them, to do whatever thing you want, yet never to take any of them from me, else I become useless. What am I?