Riddle: Streets can go through me, but roads can't. Goodwill can go through me, but not the Salvation Army. Trees can go through me, but bushes can't. Football can go through me, but not rugby. Can a tennis ball go through me?
Answer: Yes. For something to go through, it has to have two of the same letter in a row. Tennis ball has that occurring twice. Nn and ll.
Streets can go through me, but roads can't Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man was born before his father, killed his mother, and married his sister, but he is innocent. How?
Answer: His father was standing in front of him when he was born and during his birth his mother died. He later grew up to be a priest and used the power vested in him as a priest to get his sister married.
I'm Innocent! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Two fathers and two sons go fishing. Every person catches a fish and comes back with it. They come back with three fish. How is this possible?
Answer: One is a son, one is a father to the son and a son to his son's grandfather. The grand father is a father. 2 fathers ( grandfather and father)+2 sons (grand son and father)= 3 people. Try put this math trick on your teacher!
Fishing for the Answer Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One day, 4 men take a hot air balloon into the Serengeti. 30 minutes into the journey, the balloon loses height. Months later, they find the ripped carcass of somebody whose DNA matches one of the men. He is naked and his clothes have been found 50 yards away. What happened?
Answer: When the balloon lost altitude, the men threw their clothes overboard to avoid crashing. The men had a Rock Paper Scissors tournament to see who would jump. The man lost the loser's bracket and jumped. Later, a lion found him and ate some of him. Explorers then find his body 150 feet away from his clothes.
Balloon to Your Death Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.