I am full of holes but I can still hold water. What am I?
Answer: A sponge!
What does a snowman like to eat for breakfast?
Answer: Frosted Flakes.
If two snakes marry, what will their towels say?
Answer: Hiss and Hers.
I'm as small as an ant, as big as a whale. I'll approach like a breeze but can come like a gale. By some, I get hit, but all have shown fear. I'll dance to the music, though I can't hear. Of names, I have many, of names I have one. I'm as slow as a snail, but from me, you can't run. What am I?
Answer: I am a shadow.
How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?
Answer: Once, because after you subtract 5 from 25 it becomes 20.
I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?
Answer: A candle or a pencil.
I am a word of six; my first three letters refer to an automobile; my last three letters refer to a household animal; my first four letters is a fish; my whole is found in your room. What am I?
Answer: A carpet.
Who is never hungry during Christmas?
Answer: The turkey because he is always stuffed.
What 5 letter word typed in all capital letters can be read the same upside down?
Answer: SWIMS.
If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch?
Answer: Roosters don't lay eggs.
Two girls have the same parents and were born at the same hour on the same day of the same month, but they are not twins. How can this be possible?
Answer: They were not born in the same year.
Why was the broom late?
Answer: It overswept.
Some months have 30 days while other months have 31 days. How many have 28 days?
Answer: Every month has a 28th so they all have 28 days.
Johnny's dad had told Johnny that if he could get an A+ on his final exam, he could get any ice cream flavor he wanted plus a pizza. When the day for the final exam came, the professor said, "There are three questions on this exam. You will have one hour to answer them all and no more. Anyone caught taking any longer or cheating will get an automatic F." When Johnny received the paper, he read the first question. As he read it, he realized the exam was no piece of cake so he worked as hard as he could. When he finally finished question one, he checked the clock. There was only 5 minutes left! At this rate, he wouldn't be able to finish in time. As Johnny looked around, he saw that there were hundreds of students and figured that he could get away with a few extra minutes, so he worked away past the hour mark. As Johnny went to turn in his paper, the professor stopped him. "Young man," the professor said sternly. "I saw you keep working long after the 1-hour mark. You were caught cheating and will get an F." Thinking quickly, Johnny replied, "Do you know who I am?" The professor stoically responded, "I neither know or care who you are. You need to learn respect and discipline." "Good." said Johnny and he ran away. When the day for the exam scores to be announced came, Johnny received an A+. How?
Answer: When the professor confirmed Johnny's anonymity (the professor didn't know who he was), Johnny quickly slipped his exam paper into the pile of exams and ran off, so the professor wouldn't know which exam paper deserved an F. Congratulations on sticking through the whole riddle.
What are moving left to right, right now?
Answer: Your eyes!
Why is Santa so good at Karate?
Answer: Because he has a black belt.
A time when they are green, a time when they're brown, but both of these times, cause me to frown. But just in between, for a very short while, They're perfect and yellow and cause me to smile!
What am I talking about here?
Answer: Bananas.
A man wanted to enter an exclusive club but did not know the password that was required. He waited by the door and listened. A club member knocked on the door and the doorman said, "twelve." The member replied, "six " and was let in. A second member came to the door and the doorman said, "six." The member replied, "three" and was let in. The man thought he had heard enough and walked up to the door. The doorman said ,"ten" and the man replied, "five." But he was not let in. What should have he said?
Answer: Three. The doorman lets in those who answer with the number of letters in the word the doorman says.
When can you add two to eleven and get one as the correct answer?
Answer: When you add two hours to eleven o'clock, you get one o'clock.
There is a green house. Inside the green house, there is a white house Inside the white house there is a red house. Inside the red house, there are lots of babies. What is it?
Answer: It is a watermelon. Explanation: The skin of the watermelon is green (green house), the watermelon rind is white (white house), the watermelon flesh is red (red house), and the watermelon seeds located in the red flesh are the babies.