Question: Once there was a cat family.The mommy cat and the daddy cat was having a walk with their sonny.They were crossing the road when a car dashed quickly across the road.Alas, the sonny was dead.Panickstricken the sad mommy said something to the daddy.What was said by the mommy to the daddy?
Question: i see one star two star 3 star 4 star 5 star 6 star 7 star 8 star 9 star 10 tar 11 star 12 star 13 star.....even 123,456,733,879,839,898 stars!! how many more do i need to go?
Answer: you cant tell. from 1 star to 2 stars to 123456733879839898 stars!!! and how far do you need to go? who knows!!
Question: Read each line aloud without making any mistakes. If you make a mistake you MUST start again without going any further.
This is this puzzle
This is is puzzle
This is how puzzle
This is to puzzle
This is keep puzzle
This is an puzzle
This is idiot puzzle
This is busy puzzle
This is for puzzle
This is forty puzzle
This is seconds! puzzle
Answer: Now go back and read the THIRD word in each line from the top.
Question: someone sneezed and the other person did not say bless you. so the person who sneezed says thank you to the other person. and the other person says thank you what? the person who sneezed says how about bless you?. the other person says ooooohhhh .bless you!