Question: im blue not black im red not grey im yellow not brown im green not gold what am i?
Answer: a rainbow
Question: You may not think I am what I am but I know I am what I am. The voices in my head tell I am what I am? What or who am I?
Answer: A psycopath.
Question: I am painted, I cannot run neither can I walk.what am I?
Answer: a statchu
Question: What building has the most stories?
Answer: A library.
Question: all people need me,we can use our shoe's as a replacment!what am i?
Answer: i am food,shoe's can be used as a source of food,really!!!
Question: What goes up when water comes down?
Answer: Umbrella
Question: what has 200 letters and 1 hole
Answer: a letter box
Question: I am tall,thin and smart

What do you think of me?
Answer: You think that i'm tall, thin and smart.
Question: I start with an E and end with an E and only have one letter. What am I?
Answer: An Envelope
Question: It has no head,leg,eyes,nose,ears and feet only body and mouth. It answers when you ask a question. It has many mouth.
Answer: books