Question: What's more greater than God,
More evil than evil,
The poor have it,
The rich need it,
And if you eat it you die?
Answer: Nothing!
Question: i zap through fast but you see me slow.
Answer: a dreem
Question: Whats Brown and has a tail and a head?
Answer: A penny
Question: Measure stormy weather, or fair
Yet not to be bargained for an underwater tower
Nor useless for a trapped princess; plight
Find yourself another phrase,
Suit yourself, without your height
Answer: A barometer
Question: Everything has it, everything that was before you had it, everything that will come after you will have it. I MEAN EVERYTHING
Answer: Its name
Question: I need a level playing field and a full boat to sail above the rest. If im flush against a strait hand I will barely excape the heat. If im two-faced then most likely you will lose. What am I?
Answer: A Poker Hand
Question: What Has A Mouth But Never Speaks?
What Has A Bed But Never Sleeps?
Or Head But Never Weeps?
Answer: A River
Question: world's hardest riddle
I turn polar bears white
and I will make you cry.
I make guys have to pee
and girls comb their hair.
I make celebrities look stupid
and normal people look like celebrities.
I turn pancakes brown
and make your champane bubble.
If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.
If you look at me, you'll pop.
Can you guess the riddle?
Answer: the answer is no, you cannot guess the riddle because there is no answer.
97% of harvard students couldnt answer this correctly cause they were too afraid to admit they couldnt answer it. But 84% of kindergartners got it right.
Question: there was a man in jail and his friend asked him who was his visitor. he said brothers and sisters have i none but this mans father is my fathers son. who is he
Answer: the vistor was his son
Question: While one goes up, the other goes down. What are they?
Answer: The sun and the moon