Question: The person that buy's it never needs it
The person that needs it doesn't use it
The person using it doesn't know he's using it
What is it?
Answer: A coffin
Question: what is yellow and gooey?
Answer: ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
Question: What's the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space,
what's the beginning of every end, and the end of every place?
Answer: The letter E
Question: A 16 year old girl doesn't have a good relationship with her father, and she never will. Her mom doesn't ask her to try to get a relationship with him either. Why not?
Answer: Her father is dead.
Question: the person that builds me doesn't want me
the person that buys me doesn't need me
the person that uses me never sees me
what am i
Answer: a coffin
Question: Why wasn't Catrina put in jail after killing hundreds of people?
Answer: Because she was a hurricane.
Question: what is blak when you but, red when you eat and grey when throw it away
Question: What word has three Es but one letter?
Answer: An envolope
Question: How many letters are in the alphabet?
Answer: 11.
Question: April showers bring may flowers. what do may flowers bring?
Answer: The pilgrims. (They came on the Mayflower-get it?)