Question: What do u get when u cross a German Sheperd and a Giraffe.
Answer: A watchdog on the 14th Floor
Question: Repeat and pete was sitting on a cliff pete fell off who was left.
Answer: Then the other person says repeat was left so you repeat it.
Question: How does a man with no legs, arms, cant see, hear, fell, smell or move walk across the road

Clue:take out the F in "WAY"
Answer: ther is no F in way
Question: I can shake,
I can be still.
I can be hard,
I can be soft.
I can be found everywhere,
I can be nowhere in sight.
My enemy is the wind.
Answer: I'm earth or in other words the ground.
Question: If you've got it, you want to share it. If you share it, you haven't got it. What is it?
Answer: It's a secret.
Question: What has five eyes, but cannot see?
Answer: The MIssIsIppI RIver
Question: What is yours but others use it more then you?
Answer: Your NAME
Question: People who make them don't use them. People who buy them dont want them. People who use them dont like them. What are they?
Answer: Baby Diapers
Question: What starts with Nin, and ends your life?
Answer: A Ninja
Question: I have a son who's grandfather is my father. my grandfather's granfather's son is my what?
Answer: Simple it's my great granfather who is my grandfather's father and the son of my grandfather's grandfather