Question: why do squirls like to stay in the trees so long?
Answer: to get away from all the nuts on the ground.
Question: the poor don't need it the rich need it
Answer: nothing
Question: what lion can not roar and can't move
Answer: sphinx
Question: You leave one day on a horse. Away by yourself. You leave on thursday and come back 3 day's later on Thursday, how is this possible?
Answer: you really come back on sunday, but you come back on a horse named thursday
Question: What are the two things you can't have for lunch?
Answer: Breakfast and Dinner!
Question: What has a tongue but no mouth. It runs all around but no legs. What am I?
Answer: Shoe
Question: what is the different between here and there??
Answer: the letter t
Question: I start with t, i have t in me, and i end in t?
What am I?
Answer: TeaPot
Question: ok,pay close attention....there is one doors..or windows...there is a baby..with 3 men..who's asshole gets licked so the baby can escape before the sands of time?
Answer: clark stevnson
Question: its weightless,can be seen by the nakid eye, and if put in a barrel it will make it lighter.
Answer: Hole in the barrel.