Question: There was a man in the mental institution and nobody came to visit him,but one day a man came to visit him in a long brown trench coat,and a black hat.It wasn't his dad,or his uncle,Who was he?
Answer: himself
Question: You have two coins that both add up to 30. One of them is not 10p. What are the coins?
Answer: 10 and 20 because ONE of thems not ten but the other is.
Question: how many animals of each gender did Moses take aboard the ark?
Answer: non, Noah did.
Question: I am a tick,
I am usually black or white,
You will find me on many clothing,
People think I am cool
Answer: The Nike Symbol
Question: A man while at work in a gas station dreams that the gas pumps are leaking and the place will blow up, alarmed he runs straight away to his boss, his boss checks the pumps and sure enough they are leaking. But instead of thanking the man he fires him.

Answer: Because he was sleeping on the job.
Question: i am black and white and full of words.i know ive been read. what am i?
Answer: this riddle
Question: what starts with the letter E and ends with the letter E and only contains one letter?
Answer: an envelope
Question: a book can go into the green glass door but a story can't. a pillow can but a bed can't. a foot can but toes can't. teeth can but white can't. grass can but a lawn can't what is allowed behind the green glass door?
Answer: anything that has double letters in a row. piLLow bOOk tEEth graSS fOOt
Question: Here on earth it is true, yesterday is always before today; but there is a place where yesterday always follows today. Where?
Answer: The Dictionary

When set loose

I fly away,

Never so cursed

As when I go astray.
Answer: a fart
