Question: a house has four walls a cieling and a beam going across the middle. The front door is locked from the inside and there are no windows. There is a man hanging from a rope tied to the beam and there is a puddle of water under him on the floor. How did the man hang himself?
Answer: the puddle of water under him was a ice cube that he stepped on and waited for it to melt
Question: (you are the husband)You are on a plane with your wife to Japan and the plane sudenly crashes and you are the only one who lived.A couple of birds ate everyone than saved your wife for last. You haven't had anything to drink or eat and all you see are birds.So you are so hungy you eat a bird than you die.Why did you die???
Answer: Because the bird ate the wife(who was dead) than the man ate the bird and died!!!!!
Question: A man was bragging about his baseball team. He said that their team won 5 to 0. 3 of those 5 points were home runs and 1 of those home runs were with bases loaded. But, not a single man crossed home plate. How is this possible?
Answer: They were all maried men.
Question: I am a prisoner trapped and i cant escape but i have glipses of daylight but only when my master is being rude also i am quite long aswell as being slimy my main objective in life is to deal with food.

What am I?
Answer: Tongue
Question: you are stuck in a house
you have four objects to use
you have a wooden chair,a ladder
a piano,and an axe.
The axe is rubber
What would you use to get out??

you can't get out with breaking it
and you can only pick one object.
Answer: you use the piano KEYS!!!!!
Question: You can find me in the sea, but not in the ocean. You can't find me in a lake, but you can find me in ponds. You can't see me at night, but you can see me in the morning sun.
Answer: The Letter "s"
Question: Can you spell mississippi with one I.
Answer: Close one of your eyes and spell mississippi
Question: I have two O's and i am "hi" in the middle. What am I?
Answer: O"hi"o!!!
Question: I walk on all four in the morning, on two in the afternoon, and on three in the evening. What am I?
Answer: I am a baby in the mornig, a man in the afternoon, and an old man with a cane.
Question: Tom's mom has three kids penny,nickel,and_______
Answer: Tom