Question: A farmer and his hired help were carrying grain to the barn. The farmer carried one sack of grain and the hired help carried two sacks. Who carried the heavier load and why?
Answer: The farmer's load was heavier. His hired help only carried two sacks, while the farmer carries one sack, but his sack is a sack of grain. The hired help only carried 2 sacks - both empty.
Question: What can not be seen. can not be felt can not be heard or smelt. it lies behind rocks and rills under mountains and hills
Answer: the dark
Question: I'm flat and thin
People like to talk to me
But I can't talk back.
Sometimes i'm striped
And sometimes i'm plain
I can also be colorful
Answer: Paper
Question: There are 10 cats. 3 are sleeping, 4 are eating, and 2 are eating in their sleep. Meanwhile one is doing neither of those things and nothing else. What is the 10th cat doing?
Answer: Nothing!
Question: A lady bought a pair of blood red high heel shoes the first time she wore therm to workk she died. How did she die?
Answer: She was the lady who had knives thrown at her in a circus, because she was taller that usual 1 of the knives hit her and she died.
Question: Feed me food and I live,
Feed me water and I die,
What am I?
Answer: A Fire
Question: I start with the letter e,
I end with the letter e.
I contain only one letter,
Yet I am not the letter e!
What am I?
Answer: An Envelope.
Question: Long legs, bandy thighs,
A litte head and no eyes.

What am I?
Answer: a Pair of Tongs.
Question: A father and 2 sons go to a store. When they leave, the metal detector goes off. Both sons run off, but neither of them made the detector go off. Why did they run off?

Related: Funny Riddles
Answer: Michael jackson was in the store.
Question: The strangest creature you'll ever find has two eyes in front and a hundred behind.
Answer: A peacock