Question: If life gets tough, what do you have that you can always count on?
Answer: Your fingers!
Question: How do you make "one" disappear?
Answer: Add a "g" to make it "gone" or an "n" to make it "none"!
Question: A train just leaves a station and enters a tunnel. Where is the best place for a claustrophobic person to sit?
Answer: In the back. See, the train is still accelerating as it is leaving the station so the train will be moving faster when the back of the train enters the tunnel.
Question: What's the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?
Answer: A jeweler sells watches and a jailer watches cells.
Question: What is the difference between a dollar and a half and thirty five-cents?
Answer: Nothing. A dollar and a half is the same as thirty five-cents (nickels). But not the same as thirty-five cents.
Question: A hundred feet in the air, but it's back is on the ground.
What is it?
Answer: A centipede flipped over.
Question: Dark with white markings,
And smooth like a rock.
Where learning occurs,
I help convey thought.
What am I?
Answer: It's in classrooms
Blackboard or chalkboard.
Question: A phone rings 9 times, and no one answers it. A horse eats 9 pounds of grain. A bannana grows 9 inches evry day. and the computer gets 9 mail messages every day.

What is always in the above paragraph?

Related: Difficult Riddles
Answer: Letters and words.
Question: What kind of coat can be put on only when wet?
Answer: A coat of paint.
Question: Lighter than what
I am made of. More of me is hidden than seen.
Answer: I'm an Iceberg.