Question: Imagin your a bus driver,on the first stop you pick up 25 people at the first stop,on the second stop you pick up 30 people and drop of 15,on the last stop you pick up 62 people and drop of 36.Whats the bus drivers name?
Question: if there are 3 people in a room and the door is locked and all the have in the room is a baseball bat, a stick, and a painno and each can only use one item. how would they get out?
Answer: stick-break the stick in 2, 2 halfs make a whole
baseball bat- 3 strikes your out
painno-take out one of the keys and unlock the door
Question: What stalks you by day, and is rid of by night? It hides in the darkness revealed by the light. A looming shade sprawled across the gravel you tread, the more illumination is given the more it is fed. It hides in the nightmares of body and mind. And if you dare seek it, only you will you find.