Question: riddles/they call me a man but i'll never have a wife.they gave me a body not a soul . they gave me a mouth but not a breath. the sun kills me but the water makes me live
Answer: ?
Question: Round like an apple, deep like a cup,
Yet all the king's horses can't pull it up.
Answer: A well
Question: There were 30 people and one umbrella. They all tried to fit under the umbrella. How many got wet?
Answer: None, it wasn't raining
Question: I can run constantly without ever getting tired.
When I run, I frustrate people and drive them crazy,
Yet I don't even have to move to irritate you.
What am I?
Answer: I am a runny nose.
Question: A father and a son get into a car cash and the father dies immediately. The son gets rushed off to the hospital and needs surgery. The surgeon comesin and says " I can't work on him he is my son." How could this be?(he is not adopted nor have a step father)
Answer: It is the MOM
Question: Face with a tree, skin like the sea. A great beast I am, yet vermin frightens me.
What am I?
Answer: An Elephant.
Question: What can fill a room but takes up no space?
Answer: Light.
Question: In 1209, on a hot summer day there was a man who was ordered to be executed by king. The king was a nice king though, and he said that if the man could prove himself wise, he would let him go. The king filled a room with fake flowers, and only put in one real flower in the room. The king said the man had 20 seconds to find the real flower. The man said, "It's very stuffy in here. Could you open a window?" The king opened a window, and the man immediately knew which was the real flower. How did he know?
Answer: When the King opened the window, a bee flew in and landed on the only real flower to gather pollen.
Question: Using only four nines (9,9,9,9), put them in any mathematical equation so that when they add up, it will equal 100.
Answer: 99+9/9
Question: I am yellow.You could put red stuff on me.Who am I?
Answer: I am a french fri.