Question: My host thinks I'm an irritation, a bother, a pain. But he can't evict me, so here I will remain. Then one day I'm taken and ranked among my peers.
Can you guess just what I am? Then you might call me dear.
Question: Men can carry me to their grave, though i never truely die. I live in happiness, through people who know me. Some never find me, others get children from me, yet most men look for me, instead they find someone else. What Am I?
Question: What is on 4 feat in the morning, 2 feat in the afternoon and 3 feat at night.
Answer: The morning is the bigining of the day so it means beginning. Afternoon is the middle of the day so it means middle and the night is the end of the day so it means end.
The answer is a human because your claw at the beginning of your life.
You walk on to feat during your life and when you get old you walk onyour 2 feat andusea cane.