Three men were sitting on a bench, strattling it. So, each man had one leg one each side of the bench.
They were sitting there for a while, when a woman came by with five very valuable hats; three blue and two red. She put a hat on each man without telling them what color their hat was.
Remember, they were strattling the bench, so each man could see what color hat the men or man in front of them had, but not the color of their own hat. So, the guy in back could see they middle and front guys' hat; the guy in the middle could see the front guy's hat, and the front guy could not see anyone's hat.
The woman told the men that whoever could stand up and say the color of their own hat first would keep all the hats. The rules were simple:
1) You could not move your head.
2) You could not talk to anyone else.
3) You had to have proof of why you knew the color of your hat (to prove that you weren't just guessing).
The men could not see the woman or the hats she was holding (and therefore had not given out).
After about an hour of thinking, the man in front stood up and stated (correctly) that his hat was blue.
How did he know this?
(scroll down for a hint.)
Hint: you do not have to find the color of everyone's hat; just the color of the front guy's hat.
Answer: The front guy knew that he had a blue hat because if his hat was red, one of the other guys would have already knew the color of their hats.
You see, if the middle guy's hat was blue, and the front guy's hat was red, the middle guy would have known that his hat was blue because if it were red, the back guy would would have seen that the only two red hats were taken, so he'd know his hat was blue.
And if the middle guy's hat was red, as I previously stated, the back guy would would have seen that the only two red hats were taken, so he'd know his hat was blue.
You probably don't understand it completely, so read through it again untill you do.
Question: A women takes her daily walks everymorning at about 7:30.She lives on the 14th floor.Every morning she goes on the elevator to the 10th floor and gets off and walks up 4 flights of stairs. WHY?
Answer: Because she can't reach the 14th button on the elevator. she's too short
Question: make four 9's equal to 100 by using addition,subtraction,multyplacation,and/or can only use fuor 9's in the solving prosses.u may not have any remainders.
Question: A ship sank in perfect weather. If the weather had been worse the ship probably would not have sank. What happened?
Answer: The ship was the Titanic which hit an iceberg on a flat sea. If the weather was worse the ship's lookouts would have seen the waves hitting the side of it or heard it(icebergs make groaning noises when they move). Unfortunatly the iceberg was not seen and the rest is history.
Question: There is a lamp inside a photography darkroom. When the darkroom door is closed, it is impossible to tell from outside the room whether or not the lamp is on. There are two switches outside the door of the darkroom. One or both of the switches may control the lamp. It also could be that neither of the switches control the lamp. All you know is that the light bulb is currently off and that the lamp and bulb are in working condition. The darkroom door is closed and once you open the door you cannot touch either of the switches. If you can only open the dark-room door one time, how can you tell which switches, if any, control the lamp?
Answer: Turn the first switch on and leave it on for ten minutes. After ten minutes, turn that switch off and turn the second switch on. Open the darkroom door, and lightly (in case it is hot) touch the bulb.
If the lamp is on, and the bulb is quite hot, both switches work the lamp.
If the lamp is on, and the bulb is cool, the second switch controls the lamp.
If the lamp is off, and the bulb is hot, switch one controls the lamp.
If the lamp is off, and the bulb is cool, neither switch controls the lamp.