How Did He Know The Lie

Author: Nam le
4 years ago

Riddle: An employee of a store went up to his manager and said, "can I go to Paris for a week"? "Yes," said the manager "but remember to show me a picture of you at Paris" "yes sir," said the employee. The next day the employee showed him a picture of him in Paris, he saw a clock a big tv and him on the couch. Right away he knew that he had lied. How did he know?
Answer: The clock was showing the same time as the clock that was sitting on the manager's wall.
An employee of a store went up to his manager and said, "can I go to Paris for a week"? "Yes," said the manager "but remember to show me a picture of you at Paris" "yes sir," said the employee. The next day the employee showed him a picture of him in Paris, he saw a clock a big tv and him on the couch. Right away he knew that he had lied. How did he know?
How did he know the lie by Nam le v1.

Riddle: An employee of a store went up to his manager and said, "can I go to Paris for a week"? "Yes," said the manager "but remember to show me a picture of you at Paris" "yes sir," said the employee. The next day the employee showed him a picture of him in Paris, he saw a clock a big tv and him on the couch. Right away he knew that he had lied. How did he know? Answer: The clock was showing the same time as the clock that was sitting on the manager's wall.
by Nam le v2.