Desert Island

Author: marikaorosz
4 years ago

Riddle: A pirate is stuck on a desert island where there is nobody else living there. The pirate has one gun that will only shoot one time. One day the pirate sees their worst enemy and shoots it in the head...... but it does not die. Why not?
Answer: The pirates worst enemy looks the same as the pirate and is also a pirate..... so the pirate had only seen their reflection and thought it was their worst enemy. So they shot the gun at the sea which did not die.
A pirate is stuck on a desert island where there is nobody else living there. The pirate has one gun that will only shoot one time. One day the pirate sees their worst enemy and shoots it in the head...... but it does not die. Why not?
Desert Island by marikaorosz v1.

Riddle: A pirate is stuck on a desert island where there is nobody else living there. The pirate has one gun that will only shoot one time. One day the pirate sees their worst enemy and shoots it in the head...... but it does not die. Why not? Answer: The pirates worst enemy looks the same as the pirate and is also a pirate..... so the pirate had only seen their reflection and thought it was their worst enemy. So they shot the gun at the sea which did not die.
by marikaorosz v2.