The Kicking Murderer

Author: marikaorosz
4 years ago

Riddle: The cops break into a house where they see a man kicking someone's head in until the one getting kicked is dead... and then he does it again! But the cops do not arrest him... in fact they can't arrest him. Why not?
Answer: Because the man is Mario and he is a videogame!
The cops break into a house where they see a man kicking someone's head in until the one getting kicked is dead... and then he does it again! But the cops do not arrest him... in fact they can't arrest him. Why not?
The kicking murderer by marikaorosz v1.

Riddle: The cops break into a house where they see a man kicking someone's head in until the one getting kicked is dead... and then he does it again! But the cops do not arrest him... in fact they can't arrest him. Why not? Answer: Because the man is Mario and he is a videogame!
by marikaorosz v2.