The Pelican Problem

Author: marikaorosz
4 years ago

Riddle: A man and two pelicans are stuck in our hotel room... if the zoo finds him it will shoot him for stealing! There is only one door and a toilet and the fire escape is busted. How does he escape?
Answer: Hide in the pelicans mouths of course! (One pelican is too small for a whole person but two might be enough)
A man and two pelicans are stuck in our hotel room... if the zoo finds him it will shoot him for stealing! There is only one door and a toilet and the fire escape is busted. How does he escape?
The Pelican Problem by marikaorosz v1.

Riddle: A man and two pelicans are stuck in our hotel room... if the zoo finds him it will shoot him for stealing! There is only one door and a toilet and the fire escape is busted. How does he escape? Answer: Hide in the pelicans mouths of course! (One pelican is too small for a whole person but two might be enough)
by marikaorosz v2.