Parrot Craze

Author: Sam Wong
4 years ago

Riddle: There was a person selling a parrot. He said it repeats everything you say. But the buyer said 'poop' but the parrot said something else. The buyer knew the owner isn't lying. How is that possible?
Answer: The parrot literally repeated ‘everything you say’!
There was a person selling a parrot. He said it repeats everything you say. But the buyer said 'poop' but the parrot said something else. The buyer knew the owner isn't lying. How is that possible?
Parrot Craze by Sam Wong v1.

Riddle: There was a person selling a parrot. He said it repeats everything you say. But the buyer said 'poop' but the parrot said something else. The buyer knew the owner isn't lying. How is that possible? Answer: The parrot literally repeated ‘everything you say’!
by Sam Wong v2.