Sheep, Wolf, And The River

Author: Lilith Bear
6 years ago

Riddle: You have two sheep and one wolf, you need to get across a river but you can only take one animal at a time, but you cant leave a sheep with a wolf, and you have to take all three. How do you get across?
Answer: You take the wolf first then go back across and get a sheep you leave the sheep and take the wolf back across then take the other sheep over and then come back to get the wolf.
You have two sheep and one wolf, you need to get across a river but you can only take one animal at a time, but you cant leave a sheep with a wolf, and you have to take all three. How do you get across?
Sheep, Wolf, and the River by Lilith Bear v1.

Riddle: You have two sheep and one wolf, you need to get across a river but you can only take one animal at a time, but you cant leave a sheep with a wolf, and you have to take all three. How do you get across? Answer: You take the wolf first then go back across and get a sheep you leave the sheep and take the wolf back across then take the other sheep over and then come back to get the wolf.
by Lilith Bear v2.