Perfect Place To Die

Author: Shatakshi Sharma
6 years ago

Riddle: There was a man who was being chased by the troop of gangsters who wanted to kill him. He reached a place which have three doors to go outside. On the first door, there was deep trench. On the second door, there were lions who were hungry for the last hundred years. On the third door, there was a swamp. Which door he will choose?
Answer: He will choose the second door because the lions are dead because they were hungry for the last hundred years
There was a man who was being chased by the troop of gangsters who wanted to kill him. He reached a place which have three doors to go outside. On the first door, there was deep trench. On the second door, there were lions who were hungry for the last hundred years. On the third door, there was a swamp. Which door he will choose?
Perfect place to die by Shatakshi Sharma v1.

Riddle: There was a man who was being chased by the troop of gangsters who wanted to kill him. He reached a place which have three doors to go outside. On the first door, there was deep trench. On the second door, there were lions who were hungry for the last hundred years. On the third door, there was a swamp. Which door he will choose? Answer: He will choose the second door because the lions are dead because they were hungry for the last hundred years
by Shatakshi Sharma v2.