On The First Of April, I’m Easy To Believe...

Author: Tell Me A Riddle
6 years ago

Riddle: I seem real but often deceive; on the first of April, I’m easy to believe. What am I?
Answer: A hoax. Hoaxes are fake stories or events commonly spread on April Fools' Day to trick people.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/6482
I seem real but often deceive; on the first of April, I’m easy to believe. What am I?
On the first of April, I’m easy to believe... by Tell Me A Riddle v1.

Riddle: I seem real but often deceive; on the first of April, I’m easy to believe. What am I? Answer: A hoax.
Hoaxes are fake stories or events commonly spread on April Fools' Day to trick people.
by Tell Me A Riddle v2.