Arcane Answers

Author: INC
6 years ago

Riddle: Thousands of eyes, Yet I cannot see, Eons later I came to be. Though he be long, I be short, Many a year have we fought. What am I?
Answer: The Summer Night Thousands of eyes, yet I cannot see = Stars Eons later I came to be - The earth was created billions of years after the big bang Though he be long, I be short = In summer the day is longer and the night is shorter Many a year, have we fought = The night gets longer in winter and shorter in summer and vice verse for the day
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Thousands of eyes, Yet I cannot see, Eons later I came to be. Though he be long, I be short, Many a year have we fought. What am I?
Arcane Answers by INC v1.

Riddle: Thousands of eyes, Yet I cannot see, Eons later I came to be. Though he be long, I be short, Many a year have we fought. What am I? Answer: The Summer Night Thousands of eyes, yet I cannot see = Stars Eons later I came to be - The earth was created billions of years after the big bang Though he be long, I be short = In summer the day is longer and the night is shorter Many a year, have we fought = The night gets longer in winter and shorter in summer and vice verse for the day
by INC v2.