Trapped In A Box

Author: Sarah-Louise
6 years ago

Riddle: Your trapped in a box and there is no escape! There's no windows, no doors, no cracks in the walls. The box is made from an unbreakable material and it's sealed on all edges. The only thing in there with you is a saw and a table. How do you escape?
Answer: You get the saw, cut the table in half. Two halves make a (w)hole, and you jump through it :)
Your trapped in a box and there is no escape! There's no windows, no doors, no cracks in the walls. The box is made from an unbreakable material and it's sealed on all edges. The only thing in there with you is a saw and a table. How do you escape?
Trapped in a box by Sarah-Louise v1.

Riddle: Your trapped in a box and there is no escape! There's no windows, no doors, no cracks in the walls. The box is made from an unbreakable material and it's sealed on all edges. The only thing in there with you is a saw and a table. How do you escape? Answer: You get the saw, cut the table in half. Two halves make a (w)hole, and you jump through it :)
by Sarah-Louise v2.