Which One Does Not Belong 2?

Author: don orr
8 years ago

Riddle: 1. Carnation, Peony, Tomato, Rose 2. North America, Australia, Asia, Canada 3. Dodgers, Cubs, Cowboys, Cardinals 4. Laugh, Giggle, Chuckle, Cry 5. Southeast, Southwest, Northeast, East Which one does not belong to each line?
Answer: 1.  Tomato because the others are all flowers. 2. Canada because the others are all continents. 3. Could be Dodgers  because it starts with a D or could be Cowboys because the others are baseball teams. 4. Cry because the others are about happiness and being glad. 5. East because the others are intermediate directions.  
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/4274
1. Carnation, Peony, Tomato, Rose 
2. North America, Australia, Asia, Canada 
3. Dodgers, Cubs, Cowboys, Cardinals 
4. Laugh, Giggle, Chuckle, Cry 
5. Southeast, Southwest, Northeast, East 
Which one does not belong to each line?
Which one does not belong 2? by don orr v1.

Riddle: 1. Carnation, Peony, Tomato, Rose 
2. North America, Australia, Asia, Canada 
3. Dodgers, Cubs, Cowboys, Cardinals 
4. Laugh, Giggle, Chuckle, Cry 
5. Southeast, Southwest, Northeast, East 
Which one does not belong to each line? Answer: 1.  Tomato because the others are all flowers.
2. Canada because the others are all continents.
3. Could be Dodgers  because it starts with a D or could be Cowboys because the others are baseball teams.
4. Cry because the others are about happiness and being glad.
5. East because the others are intermediate directions.  
by don orr v2.