3D Problem

Author: Kiraeliz
8 years ago

Riddle: I am a place, in a state. I am an answer to a math problem. The math problem is: To get a cube, you multiply something by 6. What do you multiply by?
Answer: You Times Square!
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/3496
I am a place, in a state. I am an answer to a math problem. The math problem is: To get a cube, you multiply something by 6. What do you multiply by?
3D problem by Kiraeliz v1.

Riddle: I am a place, in a state. I am an answer to a math problem. The math problem is: To get a cube, you multiply something by 6. What do you multiply by? Answer: You Times Square!
by Kiraeliz v2.