Smarty Guy

Author: BlackDuckyChimp1679
7 years ago

Riddle: Two men went to a bar. The first guy said, "Can I order the beer called MC?" The other guy ordered the same thing. Who was the other guy?
Answer: Since the other guy wanted MC too, he is Albert Einstein .
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Two men went to a bar. The first guy said, "Can I order the beer called MC?" The other guy ordered the same thing. Who was the other guy?
Smarty Guy by BlackDuckyChimp1679 v1.

Riddle: Two men went to a bar. The first guy said, "Can I order the beer called MC?" The other guy ordered the same thing. Who was the other guy? Answer: Since the other guy wanted MC too, he is Albert Einstein .
by BlackDuckyChimp1679 v2.