In A Room, There Is 1 Great-grandmother, 2 Nans, 3 Mums

Author: Katie cross
8 years ago

Riddle: In a room, there is 1 great-grandmother, 2 nans, 3 mums, and 4 children. How many people are there in the room?

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In a room, there is 1 great-grandmother, 2 nans, 3 mums, and 4 children. How many people are there in the room?
In a room, there is 1 great-grandmother, 2 nans, 3 mums by Katie cross v1.

Riddle: In a room, there is 1 great-grandmother, 2 nans, 3 mums, and 4 children. How many people are there in the room? Answer: 4 because say in a room there was a great grandma , a nan , a mum and a child. You have one great grandma, two nans ( the great grandma to the mum and the nan to the child) , three mums (great grandma to the nan the nan to the mum and the mum to the child) and four children as the great grandma, the nan, the mum and the child are all someones child so are all children which makes there 4 people.
by Katie cross v2.