Home Sweet Home

Author: Mamie Yang
9 years ago

Riddle: I am found in the sea and on land, but I do not walk or swim. I travel by foot, but I am toeless. No matter where I go, I'm never far from home. What am I?
Answer: A snail.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/2368
I am found in the sea and on land, but I do not walk or swim. I travel by foot, but I am toeless. No matter where I go, I'm never far from home. What am I?
Home Sweet Home by Mamie Yang v1.

Riddle: I am found in the sea and on land, but I do not walk or swim. I travel by foot, but I am toeless. No matter where I go, I'm never far from home. What am I? Answer: A snail.
by Mamie Yang v2.