You Can Give Me, But You Cannot Take Me

Author: sean hetherington
6 months ago

Riddle: You can give me, but you cannot take me. It takes one to give me, but two to make me. The biggest circle I begin. And it is I that lies within. To all living things, I give breath. But I am not "god" nor "life" nor "death". And like the Phoenix from an urn, through me from ashes, it returns. What Am I?
Answer: Birth.
You can give me, but you cannot take me. It takes one to give me, but two to make me. The biggest circle I begin. And it is I that lies within. To all living things, I give breath. But I am not "god" nor "life" nor "death". And like the Phoenix from an urn, through me from ashes, it returns. What Am I?
You can Give Me, But You Cannot Take Me by sean hetherington v1.

Riddle: You can give me, but you cannot take me. It takes one to give me, but two to make me. The biggest circle I begin. And it is I that lies within. To all living things, I give breath. But I am not "god" nor "life" nor "death". And like the Phoenix from an urn, through me from ashes, it returns. What Am I? Answer: Birth.
by sean hetherington v2.