The Integrous Culprit

Author: Gabriella Simonetti
6 months ago

Riddle: One afternoon, Cara came home and found that her favorite vase had been shattered. The woman questioned her three kids—Ali, Gia, and Joe. Ali said, "It was Gia!". Gia kept silent, and so did Joe. Assuming that the culprit tells the truth, who shattered Cara's vase?
Answer: It was Joe. If Ali is telling the truth, then he's the culprit. But that would make Gia the culprit, too, which would then create a paradox. Therefore, Ali is lying, and Joe is the culprit by default.
One afternoon, Cara came home and found that her favorite vase had been shattered. The woman questioned her three kids—Ali, Gia, and Joe. Ali said, "It was Gia!". Gia kept silent, and so did Joe. Assuming that the culprit tells the truth, who shattered Cara's vase?
The Integrous Culprit by Gabriella Simonetti v1.

Riddle: One afternoon, Cara came home and found that her favorite vase had been shattered. The woman questioned her three kids—Ali, Gia, and Joe. Ali said, "It was Gia!". Gia kept silent, and so did Joe. Assuming that the culprit tells the truth, who shattered Cara's vase? Answer: It was Joe. If Ali is telling the truth, then he's the culprit. But that would make Gia the culprit, too, which would then create a paradox. Therefore, Ali is lying, and Joe is the culprit by default.
by Gabriella Simonetti v2.