Apple Antics

Author: Gabriella Simonetti
6 months ago

Riddle: A green apple costs $1, a red apple costs $2, and a blue apple costs $3. If you have $3, but only two bills, what apples can you buy?
Answer: There are two solutions; you can either buy one green apple and one red apple using a $1 and a $2 (yes, $2 bills are a thing), or you can buy three green apples using the same two bills. You could have bought one blue apple using those bills, but blue apples don't exist!
A green apple costs $1, a red apple costs $2, and a blue apple costs $3. If you have $3, but only two bills, what apples can you buy?
Apple Antics by Gabriella Simonetti v1.

Riddle: A green apple costs $1, a red apple costs $2, and a blue apple costs $3. If you have $3, but only two bills, what apples can you buy? Answer: There are two solutions; you can either buy one green apple and one red apple using a $1 and a $2 (yes, $2 bills are a thing), or you can buy three green apples using the same two bills. You could have bought one blue apple using those bills, but blue apples don't exist!
by Gabriella Simonetti v2.