Riddle: I am a famous Phil; a well-known T.V. star, but my last name is not Donahue or Silvers, and I am not a talk-show doctor. I usually appear on television only once each year, and when I do, I am always wearing a winter coat. I am not associated with music, so my last name isn’t Wickham, or Keaggy, or Collins. I hail from the state of Pennsylvania, but my last name is not Adelphia, and I have never played pro baseball there. I am definitely not a member of the Anderer, Ippines, Odendron, Anthropy, Osophy, or Harmonic families, and I have no heritage in the Istine clan mentioned in the Bible. Finally, I was never a veteran of any war, but I am well known for my activities as a member of the underground movement. Now comes the time to use your skill —— Reveal the name of this famous Phil !!!
Answer: Punxsutawney Phil, the famous weather-predicting groundhog, who appears on T.V. every February.
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