Who Stole Her Money For Groceries?

Author: Gabriella Simonetti
8 months ago

Riddle: Mrs. Nimbus left some money for her eldest son, Garrett, to go grocery shopping. When Garrett went to take the money, he didn't find it. Mrs. Nimbus suspected that one of her two younger kids-either Abby or Rick–had stolen it, so she questioned them. Abby said that she had put the money underneath a book so that it wouldn't fly away. Rick said that he had put the money inside the book between pages 51 and 52. Who's the thief?
Answer: Rick is the thief. Books normally have their odd-numbered pages on the right, while the even-numbered pages are on the left. Pages 51 and 52 are on two sides of the same sheet, so Rick couldn't have put the money between those two pages.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/index.php/11420
Mrs. Nimbus left some money for her eldest son, Garrett, to go grocery shopping. When Garrett went to take the money, he didn't find it. Mrs. Nimbus suspected that one of her two younger kids-either Abby or Rick–had stolen it, so she questioned them. Abby said that she had put the money underneath a book so that it wouldn't fly away. Rick said that he had put the money inside the book between pages 51 and 52. Who's the thief?
Who Stole Her Money for Groceries? by Gabriella Simonetti v1.

Riddle: Mrs. Nimbus left some money for her eldest son, Garrett, to go grocery shopping. When Garrett went to take the money, he didn't find it. Mrs. Nimbus suspected that one of her two younger kids-either Abby or Rick–had stolen it, so she questioned them. Abby said that she had put the money underneath a book so that it wouldn't fly away. Rick said that he had put the money inside the book between pages 51 and 52. Who's the thief? Answer: Rick is the thief. Books normally have their odd-numbered pages on the right, while the even-numbered pages are on the left. Pages 51 and 52 are on two sides of the same sheet, so Rick couldn't have put the money between those two pages.
by Gabriella Simonetti v2.