Riddle: Cooper wakes up in a room and sees three piles of shattered glass; each pile contains a few shards of glass with letters on them. His task is to rearrange the piles of glass into words and find out which word doesn't belong. Can you unscramble these words and help Cooper out? CBNAO | PCEUCKA | VLEO
Answer: The three words are BACON, CUPCAKE, and LOVE. This riddle is open to many interpretations, so there are multiple answers. For example, BACON doesn't end with an E (unlike CUPCAKE and LOVE). However, CUPCAKE has three vowels (while BACON and LOVE have two each). On the other hand, LOVE is an emotion (while BACON and CUPCAKE are foods). No matter which word you pick, there is at least one reason for it being correct.
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